It is an enhancer of the relationship that human beings have with horses, although it will also have a beneficial effect on relationships with other animals, but this is less marked. It balances the power between them. The purpose of sea horse is to attune people’s minds and emotions to the true higher nature of horses, so they may be treated with love, awareness and respect. The horse is a very noble and spiritually elevated member of the animal kingdom, who has voluntarily allowed man to harness it for many uses. A great deal of the spirit and freedom of this noble beast is sacrificed so that man may benefit… Read more
The Barrel Sponge sea essence is a clarifying and strengthening essence for the mind, which enhances relationships by cutting out the action of negative thoughts between individuals, so protecting the thinking of anyone who takes this essence… Read more
It is a communication enhancer between people for enhancing commonly held perceptions and increasing real heart contact. It has the dual function of sharpening visual perception and enhancing heart to heart contact, so that there is a fuller appreciation of the beauty of the natural world, and the human mystical connection with all things as a result… Read more
It is a very special essence for enhancing the relationship between humans and those in the angelic realm who guide human destiny. It specifically enhances clairaudience with angels and also makes us more aware of light and the quality of light around us… Read more
It is a corrective healing remedy for relationships which have suffered from hurt and misunderstandings in the past, and as a result are blocked from being healed and invigorated by the natural flow of life…. Read more
It is a relationship enhancer for people who suffer from mental tension, anxiety and being fraught with others. It is universal in its scope and can help anyone to mentally relax and tune in to others around them… Read more
It is a peace making (or peace producing) essence, for those who lose their temper easily. People can get so wound up at times that they “explode” at others without any control or consideration. This essence is universally applicable to anyone who has a problem with their temper, however slight or severe this may be… Read more
It is a relationship enhancer which stimulates the feeling and expression of gratitude, kindness and caring for others… Read more
It is a peace making essence for people who have been in substantial conflict with others, being particularly useful in healing relationships between people who have been at war with one another… Read more
It is a self-protective essence for those who face a fearful adversary, and who feel unable to face the fear and danger that they would usually feel in this situation. It improves the ability to sense danger and respond with courage and strength directly, and actually improves the relationship with the adversary as a result… Read more
A wonderful problem solving essence, helping us to overcome problems and difficulties at many levels. It helps to give us more motivation and flexibility, helping us to decrease our dependence on others for things which we can do for ourselves… Read more
This essence works on the emotional body only – it works by enhancing the emotional body in two ways: firstly by helping it to overcome negativity, and by helping it to overcome toxicity… Read more
This essence Works on the Mental and the Emotional bodies. It enhances the Mental body to overcome negativity and it dissolves blockages in the Emotional body. This is a wonderful balancer of the Mind and the Emotions which helps us … Read more
This is a wonderful relaxer for both body and mind and is an essence for those needing to unwind and relax at any time. It also raises our consciousness of ourselves with all other Beings. It melts walls in the mind that … Read more
This essence is a special essence, and quite distinct from a Sea essence as it is not a Cosmic Ray essence with a particular healing or enhancing effect. It and all the other Dolphin essences are ‘Attunement’ energies to a particular Dolphin soul Being. It does not have a standard healing effect/s, but has an energy which helps us to access the particular Soul properties of this Dolphin…. Read more
This essence is a special essence and a partner for the Dolphin essence. It is an ‘Attunement’ essence, and is quite distinct from Sea Essences in general, which are Cosmic Ray essences. It attunes us to this particular Pilot Whale Soul Being – that of a Long Finned Pilot whale called Seimiyo. … Read more
This Vampire Squid sea essence is a deep acting remedy for very profound fears in our psyches, which are generated from actual experiences in past lives. Its action goes very deep into the subconscious to alleviate terrifying fears which are based on acts of torture, trauma, pain and catastrophes which we have actually experienced in a past life. Vampire Squid can bring out such fears and scars of traumas and alleviate them completely, bringing deep peace, courage, strength and clarity to the Being… Read more
This Common Sea Urchin essence puts us strongly in our emotional and heart space and it dissolves fear energies or negative emotions coming at us from someone else. Here we can feel strong and secure to go into a relationship without fear of hurt or too much vulnerability… Read more
This Dawson Sun Starfish essence is a well-being and antidepressant essence for many people who may suffer from nervousness or bodily tension, and associated physical problems coming from a lack of warmth, colour, sunshine, music and love in their life…. Read more
This essence works on the Mental and Etheric bodies of people. It realigns these two bodies when they have gone out of alignment and it dissolves blockages in the Etheric body in the area of sight…. Read more
The Giant Sea Spider essence gives strength for anyone who faces dangers, obstacles or fears and who would normally back away from the problem, rather than face it. It helps us to face and overcome these kind of problems in a strong, easy and focused way. … Read more
The Sea Lily sea essence is a very beautiful essence which can open our awareness to true beauty and the flowing rhythms of life. It has a lovely uplifting; antidepressant quality which… Read more
The Crown of Thorns Starfish essence is for the relief of deeper pain in the Being, especially when there has been a long term accumulation of pain over many life-times. It releases… Read more
The Common Cuttlefish essence is a relationship enhancer, to enable two people to get a deeper attunement to one another, to really get to know each other, to flow together effortlessly and to communicate at more subtle levels. … Read more
The Giant Clam sea essence is a specialist essence for the stomach and for harmonising the intake of food and drink. It is a harmoniser of many stomach problems, especially those connected with bad diet, and can restore health and wholesomeness to the mind in its approach to food. Quite simply Giant Clam restores… Read more
The Blue Sea Squirt sea essence is a calming, clearing and restoring remedy for anyone who has suffered a trauma, shock or difficult experience. It is very good especially for those who have suffered in a natural disaster or an accident… Read more
A harmoniser and revitalizer, this essence offers warmth and fluidity. It can dissolve energetic blockages, so harmonizing Chi energy – it is governed by the Fire element and this can be seen by the flame-like filaments in this scallop. Read more
The Sea Apple sea essence is a ‘Networking’ essence which helps us to connect with all levels of life and energy with a clear mental focus. Offering to us clarity and harmony… Read more
An essence for discovering our true individuality and freedom to be ourselves. It can cut ties from the past of manipulation and control from the… Read more
An essence for clearing and strengthening our etheric field, it can help us to be ourselves, in many situations where others may intimidate us…. Read more
Strengthens our physical connection with our environment and daily life, if we have been disconnected for any reason…. Read more
An essence helps individuals for interacting with many people with complete ease, balance and harmony without conflict. This essence helps… Read more
An empowering essence for our mind, so we are completely proactive and ‘on top’ of situations in our life. Brings great… Read more
An essence helps to alleviate terrible worries, concerns and horrible past experiences. May help to… Read more
An essence helps to alleviate terrible worries, concerns and horrible past experiences. May help to… Read more
An essence helps individuals to restore after abuse or distressing/upsetting experience. When there has been… Read more
A very deep acting essence which brings great light to our consciousness, and this helps us to see and overcome some really fundamental challenges within. This is… Read more
An essence can help to bring about a renewal of a relationship, damaged by the loss of trust and communication after… Read more
An essence can help to restore close relationships after distressing or upsetting emotional experience. Helps us to… Read more
This essence has the potential to enhance family interactions, bringing clarity into relationships. It helps to bring… Read more
An essence for helping communication with and attunement to Angels. Like a ‘tuning fork’ this essence helps… Read more
A very special sea essence which can uplift the frequency of our consciousness. By helping perception to become… Read more
A very special sea essence which can uplift the frequency of our consciousness. By helping perception to become… Read more
Green Turtle Sea Essence is a mentally relaxing essence for uplifting, reducing worries & concerns, and improving balance and harmony at the mental level. It… Read more
Dugong Essence is a strong enhancer of our perceptions and opens up the Creative Imagination. It gives a real boost to the… Read more
Giant Squid Sea Essence is an empowerment essence for the physical body to enhance survival abilities and increase the perception of the world around us. It also reduces… Read more
An essence for harmonising us with our environment and enhancing our survival abilities. It can harmonise our relationship with other people both in groups and individually bringing… Read more
A restoring and cleansing essence for the Heart and Solar Plexus Chakras from distressing/upsetting experiences, emotional hurts and dark energies. It clears… Read more
An essence for our close relationships – bringing harmony and love, and restoring trust and closeness. Working under a gold colour frequency, it… Read more
An essence for our close relationships – bringing harmony and love, and restoring trust and closeness. Working under a gold colour frequency, it… Read more
A loving and restorative essence from the Atlantic Grey Seals which beautifully harmonises and improves the quality of our relationships, and communication with many people. Family bonds can be… Read more